The Tayeb Foundation
When Yusuf Tayeb launched his retail business in 1972, one of his goals was to increase opportunity and improve the lives of others along the way. This guiding principle played a major role in the phenomenal growth of his enterprise. This principle, to benefit deserving people and inspiring global projects, also drives the philanthropic mission of the Tayeb Foundation.
The Tayeb Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of youth and families in need, both domestically and globally. The Foundation provides financial resources, develops unique programs and raises awareness for relevant issues that strengthen communities through educational, cultural and sports initiatives.
Educational Scholarships
Education has the power to expand opportunities and transform lives. The Tayeb Foundation is working to empower children and adults with choice and to expand opportunities, especially for those with the greatest needs. The foundation provides financial aid for high school, university and trade school programs
Athletic Scholarships
The Tayeb Foundation’s athletic scholarships allow students who demonstrate dedication to boxing, swimming or cricket to pursue an education and develop the character needed to become successful.
Social Service
Families and children
The Foundation funds direct-service organizations that tackle the roots of chronic poverty by applying effective solutions to the most challenging social and economic problems. Preference is given to programs for affordable housing, micro loans, youth development, domestic abuse, food delivery and food banks.